General History of China

美 [ˈdʒenrəl ˈhɪstri əv ˈtʃaɪnə]英 [ˈdʒenrəl ˈhɪstri ɒv ˈtʃaɪnə]
  • 网络中国通史
General History of ChinaGeneral History of China
  1. On the basis of analyzing deeply relevant historical materials , this paper thinks that there are two mistakes about WANG Zhao-jun and Ji Zhong Shu in General History of China , and corrects the two mistakes .


  2. Chinese historiography , general history of China , national history and religion history etc show his achievement in the historiography .


  3. Shi Ji is a first general history of China by chronology .


  4. On the Ideas of Compilation , Academic Value and Social Role of The publishing General History of China


  5. " Records of the Historian " is the first biographical general history of China , of which many personage biographies can be looked as tragedy literature works .


  6. However , there is not a single authoritative book about the history of contemporary society or a book about the general history of China containing the history of contemporary society published by now .


  7. However , Records of the Historian is totally different , and it is a thirteen-volumeyuan general history of China covering the period from the mythical Five Emperors down to Han Wudi .


  8. Chinese scholars have thought highly of the value of editing and writing the general history of Christianity in China in recent years .


  9. Making a general survey of painting history of China and the world , we can see that nobody but Lin had put it into practice , and has obtained the achievement of world interest .
